原标题:中国青年气候行动故事集发布! 12月11日,青年应对气候变化行动网络(CYCAN)在第二十四


12月11日,青年应对气候变化行动网络(CYCAN)在第二十四届联合国气候变化大会卡托维兹新闻发布厅发布了中国青年气候行动故事集(China Youth Climate Action Stories)。





# A Cool Way for A Cooler World


Hello Everyone, my name is Aurora. I am a youth delegate from China and I’m from CYCAN. Founded in August 2007 by a group of Chinese young people who are deeply concerned about climate change and energy transformation, Chinese Youth Climate Action Network is China’s first non-profit organization for youth in the field of climate  change.

CYCAN have always been an innovative youth initiative that emphasis the practical climate action. It encourages young people to actively participate in the process of climate change and provides them with a platform to realize global green revolution through advocacy, practical action, international exchange and green employment.

Today, I would like to announce that the COP 24 China Youth Climate Action Stories is published. Characterized by youthful vigor, innovative ability, professional skills and potential values, the Chinese Youth Stories in this selection represents the typical excellent Chinese youth climate actions.

In the past year, youths from China spent more than one and a half months carry out their own climate actions, and a months for youths to submit their climate action story and for CYCAN to select the most excellent ones, and CYCAN spent a month to design and publish the Chinese Youth Climate Action Story collection to share this innovative and creative flow of energy to the whole world.

In this collection, you will be able to learn about Youths actions carbon emissions in China, Youth Ambassadors Actions, Mock UN Climate Change Conference, polar region issues, sustainable architecture, marine creatures, “Grassroot” environmental management and so on. These climate actions almost covered all areas in climate change issues. Our vision is to make a better living on our only planet; our mission is to find a cool way for a cooler world; our purpose and pathway is to shape a force and make a hit. Through the innovative climate actions collected in this collection, the youths learnt more about environmental science and policy problems, which enables young people to introduce and explain the climate negotiation process to people in their own country in order to create a brave new world as future climate leaders.

Through publishing this Climate Action Stories Collection, we hope that we can make more and more people know about climate actions undertaken by Chinese youths; learn about the efforts of Chinese youths; most importantly, we hope to inspire more and more youths around the world by introducing these stories to the whole world.

The Chinese Youth Climate Action Stories Collection is already being published. On behalf of CYCAN, I welcome every one of you to check it out in COP24 venue or on the  CYCAN official website. It is really an interesting collection to read, and I hope you can enjoy it and take advantage of it to develop even more brilliant climate actions.



